On The Rocks Blog

Do Feelings Matter? 11 Ways to Show Truth with Love

An image of a barren road with a street sign that looks like a cross, pointing the way.

When it comes to the truth, does it matter how you make other feel when you speak truth into their lives? Leaders of the church are called to meet the spiritual needs of the sheep, but what about the emotional and physical needs?

I have personally experienced extreme hurt and pain at the hands of other Christians who, I believe, meant well, but who showed very little concern for the feelings of others.

So how do we appropriately apply truth and correction while also paying attention to the feelings of the recipient? The Bible speaks extensively about the subject, providing a process for how we are to approach one another to confront and receive correction.

1. The Process of Church Discipline

Church Discipline is a Holy and necessary action to maintain purity and build each other up. It has a place and a process, and it starts privately to consider the feelings of the one being corrected.

It also provides an opportunity for the person being confronted to explain the situation. We are all human, and when we approach someone in correction, we may have misinterpreted their action or their heart. Because only God can see the heart, we should be slow to anger and judgement.

James 1:19-20:

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”

2. Restore Gently and Humbly

What does it mean to restore gently? Who determines what is gentle? This verse specifically says “You who live to by the Spirit,” which refers to those who have wisdom and are seeking the Holy Spirit’s input, which is evident through the fruits of the spirit, especially love, patience, kindness, and gentleness.

A gentle restoration seeks the following outcomes:

If the approach to church discipline fosters these outcomes, it reflects true gentleness. If it leads to alienation, shame, or bitterness, it may lack the Spirit’s guidance.

3. Speaking the Truth Clearly but Without Pride

In this passage, the church in Corinth has become proud of themselves, while allowing serious sin to go on without being addressed. Clearly Paul is rebuking them for their arrogance, and calls for the removal of the individual or individuals, because they are unrepentant of their sin.

4. Purpose of Correction: Restoration and Not Punishment

It appears here that the man accused of a sexual immorality with his stepmother in 1 Corinthians 5:1-5 has responded to the discipline with repentance. Paul now encourages the church to forgive, comfort, and restore the repentant individual. He warns against harshness or prolonging punishment unnecessarily, as it could lead to overwhelming sorrow and despair.

Pauls emphasis that church discipline should consider the feelings of the individual are clear, and he names the feelings of excessive sorrow he may be feeling. He calls on the church to be a source of comfort and forgiveness.

5. Correction with the Goal of Building Up

Building each other up, “As iron sharpens iron,” should be the goal of church discipline, and again, it should be done with the person’s feelings in mind, to encourage them, and with patience. The words used again refer to the feelings that people may be experiencing, when it says to encourage the disheartened.

Those who are disheartened can be experiencing feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or self-doubt. We are called, as brothers and sisters, to come alongside each other and encourage each other when we see those feelings expressed.

6. Avoiding Harsh Judgment

Jesus speaks about the Pharisees in Matthew 23, rebuking the way they impose burdens on others while failing to follow their own teachings. They don’t actively participate in the restoration of a person, and instead are unwilling to even lift a finger to help.

This is similar to ghosting someone or cutting them off right when they need encouragement, patiences and love. While there are appropriate times to cease communication with someone, we are called to forgive “seventy times seven” times.

This means cutting someone off should be used only as the last resort. When a person is unwilling to respect your boundaries, assuming you have communicated your boundaries and the boundaries are reasonable, or their actions have been harmful and abusive.

7. Love as the Foundation of Correction

Speaking the truth in love shows that the feelings of the recipient should matter. Loving someone doesn’t mean agreeing with everything they do, but it prioritizes the relationship with that individual over a legalistic interpretation of the rules.

8. Disciplining Those in Leadership

Church leaders have a high calling and a greater responsibility for service. They are to be “above reproach,” as it says in Titus. This doesn’t mean they are treated differently during church discipline. The process is the same for all, but leaders are held to a higher standard.

When a church leader fails, it means they are human and sinful just like the rest of us. Repentance is the goal of any church discipline process regardless of the person’s position.

9. Correction Must Be Done Without Partiality

It is impossible for us as humans, without the intervention of the Spirit, to treat someone without partiality. For instance, you might go easy on a friend or, conversely, overcompensate by being overly harsh. Similarly, a parent might treat their own child harshly for a mistake but show compassion to another’s child for the same action.

In the end, we should rely upon the Word of God to determine how we treat someone. We should err on the side of love, grace and compassion. Practicing compassion means listening, making them feel heard and seen, and encouraging repentance without enabling sin.

10. The Importance of Correcting in a Spirit of Unity

No person is an island, and nobody can live this Christian life by themselves. We are called to community and to unity because “a chord of three stands is not easily broken.” Discipline and correction should never be about isolation or shaming an individual. When church discipline turns into public humiliation, banishment, alienation, or ostracizing someone, it is not following biblical guidelines for reproach.

11. Accountability and Encouragement in the Body of Christ

The Body of Christ is made up of many parts, but one Body. We all have unique roles to fill, and when one part is sick, the rest of those parts of the body will feel it. The purpose of the church body is to come alongside each other and help carry us when we fall down. Too often, the church becomes a judgment zone instead of a needed safety net for when we fail.

If you are forced to leave your church because of baggage that you carry, that church has not done it’s job: it’s job is to help you carry your baggage.

So ultimately, the feelings of the person being corrected matter a lot. Caring for someone means caring not only for their soul, but for their whole person. It means trying to meet the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of that person. Treating someone as if their feelings don’t matter and only addressing their spiritual needs is the same as treating them as if their physical needs didn’t matter.

So how is putting someone in emotional distress to achieve a spiritual lesson any different from physically torturing them? I would say it’s not.

James 2:15–16
“Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?”

Matthew 25:35–40
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

Galatians 6:2
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Let us love each other, be patience with each other, forgive each other. If someone repents and desires to return to fellowship with Christ, we are compelled by Scripture, by our faith, and by the Holy Spirit to listen to them and allow them back into the flock.

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