Faith, Grace, and Truth – Built on the Rock.
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Biblical Reasons to Cut Someone out of your Life
If you’ve been following my previous posts, you may have noticed that I’ve mentioned people either ghosting me or explicitly saying they can no longer be my friend. In each case, they haven’t... READ MORE
Love Covers All Wrongs
Have you ever felt betrayed by someone close to you? Maybe a friend, a sibling, or even a coworker? The pain of betrayal cuts deep, but the story of Joseph and his brothers... READ MORE
Respecting Leadership
Romans 13:1-2 – “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever... READ MORE
Stop Negative Thinking in its Tracks
Chances are you’ve heard this advice before, but if you’re like me, sometimes you need to hear it again…and again…and again, until that moment that it strikes you a different way. Then you... READ MORE
Love: A Study of 1 Corinthians 13:7
Perhaps one of the most thoroughly discussed subjects, as well as one of the most misunderstood, is the subject of love. So many books have been written exclusively about the subject that you... READ MORE
The Emotional Immaturity of Ghosting
Ghosting is the sudden and unexplained ending of a personal relationship with someone. Due to its abruptness, lack of closure, and one-sided nature, it can cause significant emotional pain, especially if the relationship... READ MORE
Do Feelings Matter in Church Discipline? 11 Ways to Speak the Truth with Love
When it comes to the truth and church discipline, does it matter how you make others feel when you speak truth into their lives? Leaders of the church are called to meet the... READ MORE
Pain, Fear, Relationships and the Church
Yesterday I learned that someone I consider a good friend has been told by doctors that he has two to three months to live. The Sunday prior I attended a church service where... READ MORE