Refuting Tim Keller & The Bad Theology of Eisegetical Social Justice

posted in: Race, Theology | 0

In March of 2012, Tim Keller – co-founder of The Gospel Coalition, Chairman and co-Founder of Redeemer City to City, and founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City – preached a message titled ‘Racism and Corporate Evil: A White Guy’s Perspective.’

A Response to “The Danger of Civility” by Christena Cleveland

posted in: Race, Theology | 0

Today I came across an article by Christena Cleveland on the website for The Table, a publication of Biola University’s Center for Christian Thought. The piece – titled ‘The Danger of Civility’ – was basically the transcript of a speech … Continued

Social Justice and the Lure of Heaven on Earth

posted in: Culture, Politics, Race | 0

I just finished a documentary on the story of Jim Jones and The People’s Temple.  The story is one of the most disturbing chapters in American history, one that most people aren’t taught about today.  I imagine it’s because, in … Continued

Illegal Immigrant Slave Labor: Why Democrats Oppose Deportation

posted in: Politics, Race | 0

It’s safe to say the folks at ATTN aren’t convinced Trump’s plan to deport America’s illegal immigrant slave labor force is such a great idea. Scrolling through my newsfeed on Facebook yesterday, I came across a video posted by a … Continued