WWJD – Syrian Refugee Invasion
What would Jesus do about the Syrian refugee invasion currently rocking Europe and the U.S.? And what should we as Christians do?
What would Jesus do about the Syrian refugee invasion currently rocking Europe and the U.S.? And what should we as Christians do?
I need more than 140-characters to tell you about my love-hate relationship with Twitter. My account is a few years old. Mostly I use the popular social networking site to share links to news items I find interesting, … Continued
There is something special and timeless about hymns. Some of them paint vivid pictures, and I imagine the angels surrounding the throne, worshiping God. One such hymn is Holy, Holy, Holy.
I’m not usually one to agree with environmentalists and tree-huggers, with all their save the planet and reduce your carbon footprint nonsense, but living off-grid has always held great appeal to me for its independence and self-sufficiency.
We all remember September 11, 2001 and it’s easy to say “never forget” this time of year. But I have to ask you: What should we remember about 9/11?
The Republicans lost the procedural vote for their opportunity to derail the nuclear accord with Iran. It appears that the deal will go through, so what are the details of that agreement? After 20 months of intensive negotiations, the U.S. and our … Continued
I wrote a little poem today that seems to me appropriate to the times we live in.
Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who has refused to allow her office to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, has been incarcerated for being in contempt of court. She is defying a federal judge’s court order to issue the licenses … Continued
“Yahweh said to Cain, “Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for … Continued
It seems like lately we’re all barraged by an endless stream of horror by a self-righteous mob tearing down someone’s door. The internet is awash with stories about individuals whose lives must be ruined because they’ve offended the mob’s transient … Continued